Historic background of the Resort “Morozovka”
First historic mentioning of the farmstead Morozovka, former Lyalovo, goes back to the XVI-th century, when it belonged to Prince Seen Starodubsky. Later was bought by the boyar Romodanovsky, one of the team-mates of Peter the Great. The farmstead got its modern name in 1906 after its acquisition by N.D. Morozov, nephew of the famous Russian manufacturer Savva Morozov. A new owner replaced an old mansion house with a huge wooden villa designed in the Modern style that he had bought at a show in Paris.
The farmstead is distinguished by its park that was laid subject to the design developed by Regel, Director of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University. About 60 sbeies of rare trees and brushwood have been preserved in the park till present time.
In 1941 the main building was burnt in the battle of Moscow. The palatine and park ensemble was re-edified in 1953. Outstanding architects and artists of that time took part in the construction of the main building that was designed in the postwar “retre” style. During many years the farmstead main building was used as a place for receptions of heads of foreign states governments.
In 1994 the main building was totally renovated by the Russian joint stock company Gazprom.
Today Morozovka is a resort of the OAO “Gazprom”. It is very popular among its employees and guests. A person that has at least once visited Morozovka will never forget this picturesque place and inimitable beauty of the North Western suburban of Moscow.
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